“A trusted choice for innovative asset management and quality infrastructure delivery for sustained economic growth”.

The DPWI vision is aiming at painting an inspiring picture of a preferred future. It is not time-bound and serves as a foundation for all policy development and planning, including strategic planning.


“To provide strategic direction and quality services that offer innovative and proactive socio-economic Infrastructure delivery and maintenance of public assets while protecting the environment and the cultural and historic heritage, safety in the working environment and safer communities towards sustainable development”.

The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is committed to the attainment of a transformed built environment sector by: providing strategic leadership to the South African construction and property industries; establishing and ensuring compliance to policy and legislative prescripts for the management of state-owned and leased-in immovable assets

The Professional Services Branch is responsible for the co-ordination of the programmes that contribute to high level human capital development and to the creation of a pool of critical skills aiming at changing the profile of the workforce by growing a representative workforce for the built environment while growing the size and raising the quality of the human capital base needed to improve the quality of life of all South Africans. The transformation of the built environment is fundamental to the successful achievement of National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (NDPWI) goals.

The goal of all the programmes is to produce world- class professionals that would provide a sustainable environment. Through these programmes young talent is targeted and inspired to take up careers in the built environment. Special effort is taken to provide access and assistance to disadvantaged students who want to further their careers.