"Quality infrastructure for development, recovery and inclusive growth"
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Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium South Africa
06-07 OCTOBER 2021
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The Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium (SIDSSA) is a platform that brings together critical role-players in the infrastructure investment space, who are galvanised around a key goal of accelerating an infrastructure-led economic recovery plan.
Infrastructure investment is a critical driver of future growth of the South African economy. The provision of superior quality infrastructure allows an economy to be more efficient, improves productivity, and raises long-term growth and living standards. South Africa requires the right kind of infrastructure investment that will not only contribute to higher long-term growth, but should address spatial disparities, transform the economy and create much needed jobs.
The symposium is also a platform to explore partnerships between the public and private sectors and investment opportunities in infrastructure. Furthermore, the symposium is intended to shape the conversations about regulatory and policy reforms, innovative funding models for infrastructure and investing in infrastructure for a shared prosperity for all.
The third iteration of the SIDSSA is both watershed and central in that it will showcase progress on the Infrastructure Investment Plan as adopted and supported by cabinet.
The symposium:
Announced the top 12 Infrastructure Priorities for project preparation 2024/2025 FY – A pipeline of projects to receive project prep and support from ISA
Launched the Construction Book – An collection of
all infrastructure projects going into procurement in
2024/2025 guaranteed
Announced new international partnerships and co-operations
within the continent and outside the continent
Shared a Progress update on the Strategic Integrated
Projects as Gazetted in 2020 and 2022
Shared progress report on projects receiving Project
Preparation funding from ISA
Unveiled the Infrastructure Fund Pipeline and its progress
(Showcase the projects that have reached financial
Unpacked thought leadership work and contributions to
the infrastructure discourse in the country

“Meaningful infrastructure [investment] would have the potential to strengthen the economy, bringing the country a step closer to achieving the NDP's commitment for the economy to attain 5.5% year-on-year economic growth, a 6% unemployment rate and 30% gross fixed capital formation to GDP"
Cyril Ramaphosa